S.O.S. Filtration Inc is a Canadian company with worldwide recognition. It is a training base company with technical craftsmanship and innovative strength. The competence of S.O.S Filtration teams is based on more than Fifty years of experience in filtration

S.O.S. Filtration Simulation Software is based on the process of modeling a real contamination level on the hydraulic and lubricant system with a set of mathematical formulas. This program allows the user to observe an operation through simulation without actually performing that operation.This Simulation is also used to test the exact size of the portable filter that you may need on your systems.
Training is the Key
S.O.S. Filtration is a training based company with our partners we will help you to improve the required knowledge for your filtration needs at all categories such as hydraulic , lubricant and process filtrations.

S.O.S. Filtration could offer the filter specification know as THE D.N.A OF THE FILTER,. with this information you can have COMPARISON or EVALUATION of your industrial filters.On the DNA Test report you will find :
- Initial Differential Pressure.
- Dirt Hold Capacity
- Filter Efficiency
- ∆P Collapse
- Absolute Filtration Rating
- Pore Size Distribution (PSD)
- Contamination Stability
- Filter Integrity
- Compatibility with Fluid